
Saturday 30 January 2016

Win the Head with Serban

 I like to participate in contest and giveaway either in Facebook, blog or Instagram. But I never win any prize. None of them is my luck. 

Last Thursday I saw the contest by Alahai Mutiara Minda. Winner will be given a book entitle “ Head with Serban”

We need to PM a creative advice and five winner will be selected. 

That book look cool right, so I thought, why not I try?

My word goes like this:

Kita sedar suatu hari kita semua akan mati

Suatu hari itu boleh jadi hari ini

Tetapi bila bukan hari ni,kita jadi tak sedar diri.


This seem like coincident..Became a MPH member and win a contest by MPH

Actually, I just became MPH member yesterday. There was an offer for who buys more than RM 50 in single receipt to get free membership registration. So I've bought Oxford Dictionary (RM 33.50) and Esc. (RM 25).

While I was reading Esc. by Budak Tomato, I received a message informed  that I am one of the winner.

At first I think it just a normal spam, that say your number has won thousand ringgit. I almost ignore the message.

Then I scroll up, it was from Alahai Mutiara Minda fb and my previous message at the top..

I was like..Seriously? I won? ..

clapping and jumping around in my room alone like 6 years old kid..

Alhamdullilah, this is first time for winning a contest. That's me, at number 4..

Can I give a winning speech? Boring? hehe.

Ok, just a short speech.

Thank you MPH for selecting my words to be used in Madah Mutiara Minda. Hopefully my little word can give benefit to all the readers. And also thank you for the prize, I will read it thoroughly and share it with my friends.

Yes, never give up. Have faith in Allah. Your good luck will come someday.

Waiting for “Head of Serban” to be in my hand

Thursday 28 January 2016

Weekly Quote # 1

If you FAIL, never give up because F.A.I.L (First Attempt In Learning) 

END is not the END, in fact E.N.D (Effort Never Dies

If you get NO as answer, remember N.O (Next Opportunity)

So, Be Positive

Insyaallah kita akan menyambut ketibaan Ramadhan dalam 3 hari sahaja lagi. Bulan yang penuh rahmat dan barakah yang kita akan sentiasa nant...